Effortless teaching methodology

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Fastest way to learn English

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Supercharge Your Career with Fluent English...
VIP Membership 10 Day Trial For Only $1

Helped me to became a confident English speaker!

“Get out of the Frustration Loop, Stop Missing Job Opportunities”
3 easy steps to take your life to new heights

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Listen to lessons daily and start speaking English powerfully.

Rated 5.0 Based on 8000+ Happy Students
“Achieve 100% English Fluency to get The Job you want”
You wake up in your bedroom. You start the day with the Power Morning Routine you learned in your first VIP coaching lesson. You feel super-energetic and ready for the day.

"Unlock the Power of Effortless English: Experience Life-Changing Benefits"
Fluency, Confidence, and Career Growth Await You at Effortless English Academy
You Create a New Life With Your English Mastery.
You start your workday at your new job. You did it. You achieved the English mastery you needed. You passed a job interview-- in English. And last month you gave a powerful presentation at an international conference-- in English.

"Discover the Path to Personal Growth and Fulfillment Through English Mastery"
Your work offers more flexibility and balance. But this isn't the end, it is the beginning. Because of your English success, you now have endless job opportunities. You have received several invitations to speak at professional conferences.

Your Lifestyle Allows You to Travel Widely.
Your number one reason for English was for your job. But now you have discovered many other surprising rewards. You discover new places and cultures with your family. You are planning your next international trip, possible because you speak English so well.

8K+ success stories and counting
How A.J Hoge’s courses have helped people speak better English across the world

Rated 5.0 Based on 8000+ Happy Students

I can speak English easily and effortlessly – so can you!
I read about Effortless English System on the Internet the first time in 2008. The approach made me curious and as a consequence I bought the whole program. I was fascinated by the lessons, my vocabulary extended playfully and my horizon was expanded because of the interesting topics. This new method of language learning is a pure listening system. Constant listening is the key to speaking effortlessly. You can improve your English speaking skills enormously with the help of Effortless English. I can speak English easily and effortlessly – so can you – the Effortless English system helped me and will support you as well.
AJ Hoge, the Director of Effortless English has created also the Power English system and the VIP-program for people who want to acquire leadership abilities. Make your choice! In any case, with Effortless English you will be prepared to speak English easily, effortlessly and confidently.

I can understand native speakers easily
My Effortless English story is amazing! Because although I am an English teacher, I wasn’t fluent in English and felt I was not confident. I can tell you that after about six or seven months with Effortless English my English INCREASED a lot.
I couldn’t stop listening to the powerful lessons. I became addicted to the lessons. I’ve been doing what AJ asks me to do every day and every month. Now I feel more confident and I run an English school in Brazil. With Effortless English my career went up very fast. I met more people on the internet. I can understand native speakers easily, watch movies, etc, it’s much better now. It’s like the doors of the world opened wide to me. And now, I just have to thank AJ Hoge for all the valuable information he has shared with me through the VIP program.

I can speak English easily and effortlessly – so can you!
I read about Effortless English System on the Internet the first time in 2008. The approach made me curious and as a consequence I bought the whole program. I was fascinated by the lessons, my vocabulary extended playfully and my horizon was expanded because of the interesting topics. This new method of language learning is a pure listening system. Constant listening is the key to speaking effortlessly. You can improve your English speaking skills enormously with the help of Effortless English. I can speak English easily and effortlessly – so can you – the Effortless English system helped me and will support you as well.
AJ Hoge, the Director of Effortless English has created also the Power English system and the VIP-program for people who want to acquire leadership abilities. Make your choice! In any case, with Effortless English you will be prepared to speak English easily, effortlessly and confidently.

I can understand native speakers easily
My Effortless English story is amazing! Because although I am an English teacher, I wasn’t fluent in English and felt I was not confident. I can tell you that after about six or seven months with Effortless English my English INCREASED a lot.
I couldn’t stop listening to the powerful lessons. I became addicted to the lessons. I’ve been doing what AJ asks me to do every day and every month. Now I feel more confident and I run an English school in Brazil. With Effortless English my career went up very fast. I met more people on the internet. I can understand native speakers easily, watch movies, etc, it’s much better now. It’s like the doors of the world opened wide to me. And now, I just have to thank AJ Hoge for all the valuable information he has shared with me through the VIP program.
VIP Membership 10 Day Trial For Only $1
This Program Has One Purpose: To Help You Become The Best English Speaker You Can Be.

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No. You can listen to the lessons on your computer. However, an MP3 player (iPod) will allow you to listen to the lessons anywhere and anytime– just load the lessons onto your MP3 player and learn English on the bus, while walking, during lunch, etc.
You just have to click on any button on the page that says: "GET VIP COACHING NOW"
The lessons are all .zip files. Zip files download faster. You need 7-Zip or WinZip to open these files. WinZip comes with most Windows and Mac computers. If your computer for some reason does not already support built-in zip extraction, you can get 7-Zip for free at: https://www.7-zip.org/download.html
The courses differ based on the level:
- Original Course for low intermediate level
- Power English for intermediate level
- V.I.P. Membership for high-intermediate level
Power English and Original courses are one time payments, whereas the V.I.P. is a monthly membership course where you are charged on a monthly basis.
Read full comparison from our Product catalog »
Check your “bulk mail” folder or your “spam” folder. Your email company probably sent the email there by mistake.
If its not there you might have accidentally entered a wrong email address. Send an email to our Customer Service Department ([email protected]) with: Your Name and Date You Bought The Lessons.

Rated 5.0 Based on 8000+ Happy Students
"Level Up Your English Skills Today! Join Effortless English Academy for Unmatched Fluency!"
Supercharge Your Career with Fluent English: Enroll at Effortless English Academy Today!