The ultimate strategy to pass the OET exam for nurses and doctors, or to pass other English language exams such as the TOEFL or IELTS.
Ultralearning gives us the ability to rapidly improve our careers. The more skills we add, the more unique we become. Unique people typically get paid more than average.
These are the steps I teach my members/students to follow. It all begins with creating powerful daily habits. Then you work one one real world goal at a time.
Research indicates that students in FOCAL SKILLS programs acquire English language proficiency faster than students in most other types.
How to increase your motivation, energy, and enjoyment when learning English.
Success is the ultimate motivator. We must create success in order to achieve even higher levels of success.
An English lesson from Aesop’s Fables.
A relaxed way to learn to speak English.
A discussion from The Talent Code.
A description of the GOLDLIST method of vocabulary review.
Improve your English conversation with our next BIG challenge.
Announcing our new Speaking Challenge and finishing our 365 Challenge.
Recording of our February 2022 VIP meeting. See you at the next one!
VIP member Carole shares her English success story. Carole is the organizer of the Effortless English Friends conversation group.
Is it normal to have very bad days when speaking English?
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