How AJ Hoge's Courses Have Helped People Speak Better English Across The World

The Effortless English is the best English learning program I ever seen in my life
It is my pleasure to share with you reasons why I think that Effortless English is the best.
– It doesn’t aim only to teach English but also to make the world a better place to live by transferring priceless know-how to the members.
– Topics of the lessons are always at the forefront, more than just English. Therefore people can learn easily.
– Social ethics is an important value in this program.

AJ Hoge and his teaching team are AWESOME.
1. I believe him, I believe his teaching method.
2. I believe that all members have positive thinking about him and his teaching method.
3. MiniStory and POV are very helpful and powerful.
4. We have the same main codes about life which make me a leader in my life.

Effortless English is the best english system that I've known in all my life!
Since I have met Effortless English my life and all my family’s life have changed for the better. My career have improved a lot. It has brought confidence to my professional life.
I’ll be always grateful for AJ because with his system I began to believe in myself and what I am able to do.
Thank you AJ.

Smartest efficient direct language system
If you take listening comprehension and real speech improvement into account- that is the great stuff that makes you succeed. Effortless English is best.
I personally endorse it completely. I grabbed all AJ's audio courses and suddenly my improvement went up.
It has truly helped me on a daily basis to overcome English struggles. It will also help you. Keep in mind every day practice is a must.
Make sure you want to raise, develop your own speech performance. Get it yourself. Try it yourself.
The truth will come out.
From a native Brazilian Portuguese satisfied speaker.

Hi, My name is PLAMEN GEORGIEV and before my English was so bad. When I became a member of the Effortless English Club, my English speaking abilities improved. I have a lot of benefits in my job from using this course. My understanding has improved. We have a strong community of learners. I’m so excited!

The best way to learn English - really improving English speaking after a half a year!!!
Listen, I never thought that learning English would be so awesome – but it is! With Effortless English you learn as you live. It is natural and fascinating. You really improve your English skills effortlessly, by only listening to the funny lessons. Awesome!
All you need to study English is a computer with the internet and sound equipment. I recommend this great company to anyone without any doubts. To try Effortless English is to trust Effortless English. Really!

Great Job Mr. Hoge I Love Your Lessons!
Mr. AJ Hoge I love your lessons so much. They are very useful to my English speaking being perfected.
Also in the Courses you learn English in addition to human development, and that’s a great addition to the program. Original Course 🙂
Human development is a great way to make yourself more confidant. Thank you so much you are the best! Original Course 🙂

I can speak English naturally and automatically
I ranked in the 4% when I had an English exam for entering university. But I could speak NOTHING at all! Getting to know Effortless English was absolutely the turning point. Now, I can speak English naturally and automatically. I heard from some Americans that I speak English clearly with appropriate vocabulary. I have enjoyed learning English with Effortless English and I got the result!

I can understand native speakers easily
My Effortless English story is amazing! Because although I am an English teacher, I wasn’t fluent in English and felt I was not confident. I can tell you that after about six or seven months with Effortless English my English INCREASED a lot.
I couldn’t stop listening to the powerful lessons. I became addicted to the lessons. I’ve been doing what AJ asks me to do every day and every month. Now I feel more confident and I run an English school in Brazil. With Effortless English my career went up very fast. I met more people on the internet. I can understand native speakers easily, watch movies, etc, it’s much better now. It’s like the doors of the world opened wide to me. And now, I just have to thank AJ Hoge for all the valuable information he has shared with me through the VIP program.

This is the best English program that I know
I started learning English when I was 9. At schools I had a lot of English tests and all of them were grammar tests. Our teachers always told us: “Grammar is the key to learn E”. I saw my friends who knew more English Grammar rules and got high mark in English. Other people said they were good English learners. I thought: “Oh. That’s right. I am going to learn all of the English grammar rules and
lots of vocabulary and then I will be a good English learner”.
I thought that learning English meant grammar rules + vocabulary. I started learning E grammar and new words. I bought lots of English grammar books and did most of the tests in those books. I considered those book as my treasures. I tried to remember lots of vocabulary. I spent 7 hours each day trying to learn grammar rules and vocabulary by heart. It worked. I got higher English marks. I was happy and I thought that I had found the true way to learn English.
When I was a second year student at my university, I realized I needed to speak E well if I wanted to get a good job. I took part in an English class where I had chances to speak to English native speakers. That was the first time I had spoken to an English native speaker. I felt very confident. I knew lots of grammar rules and vocabulary. But I was shocked. When an Australian girl asked me:
– How old are you?
I didn’t understand. I said:
– sorry.
She repeated:
– How old are you ?
I still couldn’t understand her. I started to feel worried but I tried to say:
– Again, please!
I looked at her face. She seemed to not understand why I couldn’t understand her but she still asked me again:
– How old are you?
I felt anxiety. What did she say? I had never known anything like that. “What is this ?” I asked myself. I wanted her to write it out but I didn’t know how to say it. I thought about grammar rules, the present tense and English linguistics but I could not say anything.
Finally, I gave her a paper and a pen. Luckily she understood what I wanted.
She wrote it out: “ HOW OLD ARE YOU ?, WHAT IS YOUR AGE?”
Oh my God. It was a super simple sentence. Why couldn’t I understand it? I was hard to believe. When she spoke, she always connected words. It was normal but at that time I couldn’t listen and understand. It was strange to me. Then she asked me more questions but I didn’t understand them either. When she talked to other English speakers I tried to listen but I couldn’t understand any thing. She used slang, idioms and all of them were very strange to me.
I came back home. I felt depressed. When I saw English papers in my house, I was very angry. I snatched those papers and tore them like a crazy person. I tore all my grammar books, threw them everywhere in my room and cried very much. I had a terrible headache. I felt sad, tired, bored. I flung myself down on my bed, cried..cried and then I fell asleep without eating my dinner.
Next day, I got up and decided to go out. I visited my old friend. We had not met for 4 months. I told her about my last terrible day and said that I would not learn E any more. May be it was too hard for me. I could not speak E well, ever.
She smiled and said:
– I know a method to learn English without learning grammar. We can learn English effortlessly. It is very exciting and effective. It is Effortless English. I have followed it for 2 months and my English skills have improved a lot.
– Really? It’s hard to believe what you say.
– OK. Don’t trust me. Just try it and you will be surprised.
Then she showed me the 7 rules to speak E fluently. I was curious and then I tried it. Effortless English was the opposite of all that I had known. It was exciting and practical. I found that I had had a bad method to learn English when I started. Something was wrong with my method at the beginning. Thankfully, I found Effortless English. It helped me a lot.
I have been learning Effortless English since last year. I have improved my English speaking and I know I can now achieve bigger succees. This is the best English program that I know. With Effortless English we don’t take tests, we do not worry about grammar rules, don’t try to remember long lists of vocabulary.
We speak E well without worrying about any of them. AJ is the best teacher but I feel he is my best friend also. He is a friendly teacher. I am inspired by him to learn English.
In the past, I learned E 7 hours each day but I felt tired. I tried to remember lots of grammar rules and words but after a short time, I forgot most of them. I thought that I knew a lot of grammar rules and vocabulary but in fact I didn’t understand anything. I knew them but I couldn’t use them easily.
Effortless English is different. I learn, I understand and I can use what I learn. It changes all parts of my life. AJ teaches me how to speak English confidently and how to be a better person.
After 5 months, I can listen to English better and speak more fluently. I feel more confident when I speak to foreigners. My life changed. I changed my behaviour. I help other people to change their methods and to be a leader.
3 months ago I got a scholarship at my English center. Now, English is like a game and I am an addict. Fantastic. Learning Effortless English is one of the best choices in my life.
I have been learning Effortless English for 5 months and got success. I will continue to follow through and have a better life and bigger success. Thank you AJ. You gave me wonderful things!

I was astonished how fast I was improving!
English is my favorite language over all, I’ve always loved to learn it and I’ve tried to do it since I was a little girl in my first grade school. It was tough. I could understand it only when I had the written text, and listening to native speakers was a nightmare: I couldn’t even recognize the words I knew!!! Arghhh… I struggled a lot with English, but then I found on the web a teacher who was using a very different method: AJ Hoge and his Effortless English System.
I was soon fascinated by what he said and by this novelty and I immediately started learning Power English with him. After only a couple months I was astonished how fast I was improving! My English started to become automatic and I started using it more and more. I made a plan to listen to AJ every day, to actively participate to the forum life and to read a lot of books in English. Now after three years with AJ, I’ve realized that English is part of my life, really.
Knowing English has improved my social life, and my contacts with the entire world. I have a lot of international friends, I can participate in conferences in English and talk to people directly; I can find and read books in English that don’t exist in my language; I can attend online courses in English and listen and learn tutorials on my favorite subjects! So my job has improved a lot, my skills have improved a lot, and sometimes I prefer speaking and writing in English to my own language. In fact, sometimes I can even do it better in English than in my language 😉 And that’s because learning with AJ I’ve also learned his philosophy of life and this has enhanced my life and has given me the tools to appreciate the world more 🙂
The first reason why I love Effortless English is because it teaches me great English and in the best and really most effortless way possible. Besides this I also love Effortless English because it is really inspiring. AJ is my teacher, my coach and my model, and I will listen to his lessons for all my life! Thanks AJ for creating, maintaining and improving your powerful Effortless English System and the community! Learning English with you is like living in another wonderful planet! I’m so lucky to be part of your Effortless English Family!

I can speak English easily and effortlessly – so can you!
I read about Effortless English System on the Internet the first time in 2008. The approach made me curious and as a consequence I bought the whole program. I was fascinated by the lessons, my vocabulary extended playfully and my horizon was expanded because of the interesting topics. This new method of language learning is a pure listening system. Constant listening is the key to speaking effortlessly. You can improve your English speaking skills enormously with the help of Effortless English. I can speak English easily and effortlessly – so can you – the Effortless English system helped me and will support you as well.
AJ Hoge, the Director of Effortless English has created also the Power English system and the VIP-program for people who want to acquire leadership abilities. Make your choice! In any case, with Effortless English you will be prepared to speak English easily, effortlessly and confidently.

Effortless English Club is the best place to learn English
I’m Georgiana from Spain and I’m an English teacher. I teach English one on one via Skype and A.J. Hoge is a great inspiration.
A.J. is a great leader and someone who inspires me to improve on personal and professional grounds. I am part of the VIP and Business program and I am amazed by how many interesting things I get to learn every day. The Effortless English Club is the best place to learn English. It’s also the best way to meet new amazing people from all over the globe and to get your everyday motivation and positive energy.

I passed the test and that interview was a success!
I studied at a school in my Country where most of the time I was forced to speak Italian and the rest of the time to do boring written exercises I hated.
I struggled to learn English using that method for at least 5 years but yet was not even able to say a word in English.
I was getting depressed, then I made the decision to search the Internet for something that could boost my speaking skills.
About one year ago I ran into AJ’s 7 rules for the very first time. At first I was shocked by his innovative approach. At that time I was about to be fired because of a reduction policy, but after just 6 months of deep learning I applied for an internal interview in English. Guess what? I passed the test and that interview was a success!!!
I am currently working in an International environment because my Company is a multinational.
Effortless English has changed my approach to life both personally and professionally. Now I feel confident and strong when I speak, and my comprehension abilities have increased massively.
Thank you Effortless English.

Speaking English has become as effortless as speaking French
I was majoring in English in college and although I was getting pretty good grades on grammar and vocabulary tests, I soon realized I could not understand everyday English. Out of all the different classes I had only one that was dedicated to listening. Ironically, most students ditched that class thinking it was a waste of time — they wanted to study grammar and vocabulary the old way. At that stage I had been studying English for over 10 years, and yet I could only understand native speakers if they spoke very slowly and used easy vocabulary.
Needless to say, that was really frustrating. The message was clear. I was going to have to take action and look for better ways to improve my English.
One day, I came across A.J.’s podcast. I figured I would listen to a few episodes and I quickly got hooked. His ideas were different but they made a lot of sense. A few months later I eventually decided to grab a copy of the Original Course. I listened to the lessons at least 5 days a week for several months. I can’t say I kept track, but I know I never got bored. Then Learn Real English came out, and I really loved the concept too. I kept using both courses and it felt like I’d finally found the missing link.
Several years later, I can safely say that speaking English has become as effortless as speaking French. More importantly, I have learned so many great ideas and concepts that I use every day. Oh and did I mention our amazing community? There are truly great members who are always there to support you, and encourage you no matter what.
If you’ve always wanted to speak English fluently, then do yourself a favor, drop those textbooks and join us. You won’t regret it.

Helped me to became a confident English speaker!
Just a quick note to say many thanks to my dear coach AJ Hoge. The Effortless English system helped me to became a confident English speaker and this created for me a lot of opportunities. I’ve been an Effortless English member since 2012 and a VIP member since 2013. Before starting this program I was struggling a lot, because I was afraid to make mistakes and I was not able to communicate effortlessly with native speakers. Effortless English not only focuses on the English language, but also is a great leadership program that builds confidence and gives you a chance to communicate with other learners. That helps a lot. I highly recommend that every motivated English learner give it a try.

It Is The Best Thing I’ve Ever Had.
Effortless English is the best thing I’ve ever had. Thank you. Thank you so much because you make me love English. I felt learning English was a torture, I was really tired, I hated English. I tried to find different ways to learn English but they were not effective, until I found your methods. You made me realize that English is very interesting. It is not difficult. My English is improving, I can speak English with foreign people. Now, I can write short paragraphs. I feel very happy and hope to one day meet you. When I stand in front of you, I will hug you and say: “Thank you so very very much”!

I’m Very Excited About This
I have finished nineteen lessons and i’m very excited about this, because I have learned a lot from these lessons. I could not learn this in many years studying at boring, tiring schools in my past. Thank you, A.J.

Effortless English Will Change Your Life…
I think the Effortless English system is not only a language system. It is about a life change, and every time I listen to E.E. lessons I feel very good. I have good motivation, and I try to change something in my life. The main part is I learn English with great pleasure. I am not forcing myself to learn English. The themes in E.E. lessons are very interesting, and I can say many words about this system. Thank you very much A.J. Hoge!!!

I enjoyed listening and discovering new ideas
Hi. Aj I’ve got my vip lesson this month and I listened to them all at once. I must admit it includes very great ideas of yours. I enjoyed listening and discovering new ideas. Thanks for sharing them. Thanks for energy.

After half year can I fluently speak English
I am 66. “Not, so old, 66.” I traveled around Australia, despite not speaking English, because I was speaking always my own language. This was a big problem.
Now, I go to bed and get up in the morning with AJ Hoge. I believe after half year can I fluently speak English. I would like to understand the histories of the buildings, what tour guides say, wherever I visit in the world or here in Australia. This is my important aim.
Above and beyond I would like to enjoy watching TV in English.

Effortless English is the best method ever
I believe that Effortless English is the best method ever ,because it has a totally different and innovative way of learn. It has real conversations with idioms and slang along with a psychology method; helping us to unlock our confidence and beliefs. It really works. I have seen that. Here in the United States, I’ve heard a lot of times the same idioms that A.J teaches us. He teaches real english.

Try and you will see difference from other learning systems
Before Effortless English I was looking a lot of books about English learning. I was disappointed because after some time of learning I was suck, I didn’t see results.
I like Effortless English because everything organize and I can work step by step, it doesn’t matter what material you use from this company. Every day I know my plan is listen one lesson. It is not hard to do, I can listen in the kitchen or when I do cleaning, everywhere. I like A. Hoge because he is enthusiastic and energetic person, his lessons are interesting, I feel more confident in English I started speak and I use a lot of phrases from lessons. It takes time to make big improvement in English, but all process of learning will be more playful and fun. Every day I give thanks to A. Hoge for his system and only his lessons make me fell good.

This Course Changed My Professional And Personal Life Style.
My dear friends I recommend this course to everyone, you will improve your english skills very fast. Here we find a lot of people with the same interest in learning English and you will make new friends around the world.

I’d recommend the EE system to anyone looking to improve their English
I’m a longtime member. I must have joined back in 2007 or so, if I remember correctly.
I’d recommend the EE system to anyone looking to improve their English without spending hours and hours trying to make sense of grammar rules and technical terms that can only be understood once you have developed a FEEL FOR CORRECTNESS. It’s also a great community, unlike on other forums and sites where people spend their time calling each other names and making stupid remarks.
Obviously, this is not a course for total beginners. If you don’t understand ANY English, or if you’re not familiar with our alphabet, you might want to use other materials first, but be sure to come back and check out EE when you’re a little more advanced, you won’t regret it.

The best experience for my English and for my life! Better than my best dream!
My dear friend I know that you can have some doubt, at the beginning it’s normal. I had them too! LOOOTS of doubts, because there are tons of bad courses, tons of useless rules and exercises that make you waste your money, time and energy and don’t teach you anything!
And those were my feelings when searching on the web for something new and powerful for improving my English. I found AJ and his Effortless English System! I tried his lessons and I was amazed! So completely fascinated by the way this great teacher and coach “plays” with English-- making it intuitive, nice, and pleasurable to listen, to practice, to keep with you in every moment of the day!
Yes AJ has become my best friend! I love his lessons and I listen to him every day! Not because I want to “STUDY” 😛 just because I enjoy listening to all the great and empowering topics he chooses. And just having a great time with him and his lessons it happened, almost by chance that I’ve also learned English. Haha… Now I can understand native speakers even when they talk fast, or have strange accents. I can speak fast and with no effort even to native speakers. I watch movies in English with no subtitles, and most of all, I enjoy speaking English so much that I want English to become my “first” language! What to say? AJ is a special teacher, coach and leader, and I’ve been so LUCKY to meet him on the web!

My adventure with Efforltes English is very short. I had been all the time in the “Comfort Zone”. What does it mean? I had been learning (with shorter or longer breaks) English since primary school (more than 20 years!!!). I hadn’t used English in practice. I hadn't had to. I was still angry at myself because I hadn’t had any progress.
I’ve been still (since my final exams and studies) on the same intermediate level. I was terrified when I heard somebody speaking English. I could understand just a few words from the whole conversation.
This year my boss said that I would take a part in business meeting in Finland. When I heard it I was shocked. But this information was for me a big kick to do something with my English. I started conversations with a native speaker. She recommended to me to listen to original movies in English because it’s the best way to improve speaking and listening.
Fortunately, my husband found some of AJ’s movies on youtube. Through this way I found the Effortless English website. I decided to become a VIP member.
I’ve been listening to AJ’s lessons regularly. Lessons help me to find motivation. Now I’m sure that I want to continue learning with the VIP Program. Of course, miracles didn’t happen. I still have some problems with vocabulary. BUT I SEE PROGRESS. I SEE THAT SOMETHING HAS CHANGED. I don’t feel “the chains” that had been blocking my development, improvement. With AJ’s lessons I will be able to speak and understand better.

After five months, when my friends from Arizona visited us, I spoke fluently!
Hello, my name is Ulla! Since I joined the VIP Effortless English programme I have made a lot of progress in my speaking and understanding spoken English. I’m 77 years old, and my first thought was: Why can’t older people learn or improve something new? What can I improve or learn? Why not freshen my sleeping English! I joined a conversation class and it was rather good, but not that much improvement for me. I joined a traditional English class with lots of grammar and vocabulary, that was really bad, no progress for me.
I searched for English programs on the Internet and I found the wonderful VIP Effortless English. It became my key to confident speaking. It is so exciting getting new lessons every month and a lot of other things from A J Hoge! It is incredible! The more I listened the more I understood and the more I could speak. After five months, when my friends from Arizona visited us, I spoke fluently! But I have a lot more to learn. English is a very good language, you can use it everywhere on the globe. It is so positive for me, I could improve it despite my age!!! Now I’m not afraid or shy when I speak English! It has change my life in a highly positive way! I love VIP Effortless English and the community of members! I will continue to improve my English in VIP Effortless English programs! Thank you!
Ulla Öhberg
Ulla Öhberg

Effortless English - is the best method of learning English.
I always was looking for ways to improve my English. Step by step I got a lot of frustrations and it was terrible. I really wanted to speak fluently, easily and automatically. But… I couldn’t. Once I found a short video lesson about 7 easy rules of learning English, and it was interesting.
I decided to start learning by this method and today, after six months, I achieved much better results than before. I have become more confident when I speak. I work in a big international company and use English every day. I’m happy, I can speak easily with everyone in our large network and have no fear.
All of these phrases and words comes into my mind automatically.
You know, every day in the morning when I have a bath I’m standing under the shower and speak with myself loudly. My wife ask me, hey man what are you doing, is there anybody else you speak with? I answer, no darling, it’s AJ’s phrases comes into my mind, like “get rid of them” or “don’t worry Heva” )).
Now I clearly understand why with Effortless English I got a much better result. Because all of the E.E. teachers are exciting speakers and have a lot of positive energy and emotions.
Also I have a chance to meet with lots of interesting people around the world.
Finally, I recommend Effortless English for everybody, it’s a great opportunity to achieve success by learning English and listening to different useful stories and coaching lessons.

I remember the day when my employer told me that I had improved my English a lot.
Hello! Let me share my experience with Effortless English with you. Two years ago I was about to go to Canada to visit my boyfriend and stay for many months. The idea of being in a different country where people speak English made me start looking for some options how to achieve a good level of this language.
I took out my old textbooks from school and began reading short conversations, repeating..but I could not hear because it was just a text. I also started filling out workbooks, browsing through my old exercise books with grammar explanations… It was all about memorizing grammar. It frustrated me. Then I went on the internet and typed some words into Google (like how to improve English, learn English at home or like that). This way I came across webpage Effortless English where I read about this program. I read lots of positive reviews from many people. I did not wait any longer and signed up for the program.
I fell in love with A. J. Hoge’s English 🙂 because I could understand him very well. I wanted to know and learn more and more. Then I started receiving lesson sets. Meanwhile I came to Canada and I started combining 2 things: listening to lessons (stories) and practicing in a real conversation.
I am living with Effortless English every day. First of all, it’s not about explaining grammar rules, but way more focused on phrases, idioms, combinations of words that make sense. That’s a big difference compared to old school methods. Since I arrived in CA I’ve been working in the childcare field where I need to talk a lot to kids. They need many explanations, stories, you learn from them, they learn from you.
Eff. English has been helping me understand better things from language I hear while working. It has happened to me many times that heard someone’s talk using phrases or idioms which I wouldn’t understand by translating word by word. Thanks to Eff. English I know what it means! I remember the day when my employer told me that I had improved my English a lot. Also other people – Canadians told me the same. I recommended this method to my friends here. Of course we have to combine it with listening to/watching TV news, movies, reading….I can say that I feel more confident about speaking.
I like reading comments of other VIP members that are very encouraging and give me some inspiration for my life.
I am very grateful for discovering the Effortless English program, A.J., Kristin and Joe, you guys are great!!

I passed the IELTS exam finally!
My encounter with this special English course was when I was struggling with the IELTS test for studying abroad. I decided to join the English club immediately because I really liked the concepts of A J Hoge about learning real English. I deeply believed this is what I needed to improve my listening and speaking in English. While continuously listening, plus occasional speaking, I felt fun with learning English. I also passed the IELTS exam finally. Now, I keep the habit of listening to A J’s lessons as much as I possibly can. I learned a lot of practical ideas to keep learning not only English, but also many aspects of my life. Thanks to AJ for giving me these wonderful and practical courses.

Great job Mr. AJ i love your lessons
Mr. AJ Hoge i love your lessons so much it’s very useful my English speaking being so perfect and I get the Club link to my friends and they thanks me 😀
in VIP lessons you learn English in addition to human development
and that my great part 😀 human development is a great to make yourself more confidants thank you so much you are the best please answer me I’ll be the happiest girl in the world 😀

On the past February, I started training with AJ and since then I’ve been impressed receiving my weekly course and lots of extra goodies which help me to become successful one day.
No complaints but daily happiness and positive thoughts by hearing AJ’s voice motivates me to go forward everyday. Each lesson gives the joy for listening a hundred times and become little by little part of me.
My English comprehension is growing and I feel more confident on expressing myself. I just need to work hard with an always positive attitude and why not using all AJ’s secrets tools.
Thank you for being my coach.

How my Power English Course has helped other students
It is my pleasure to share with you reasons why I think that the program is the best.
- It doesn’t aim only to teach English but also to purpose to make the world a better place to live by transferring priceless know how to the members.
- Topic of the lessons are always at the forefront than English therefore people can learn easily.
- Social ethics is an important value in this program.