RULE 5 - Use Point of View Stories
Of course we need to use English grammar correctly when we speak, but you don’t learn it from studying English grammar rules or memorizing a bunch of rules in an English textbook. Instead, rule number 5 is this. Use point-of-view stories. Use point-of-view stories. That’s rule number 5. Now, a point-of-view story, it’s a method. It’s a technique for learning English grammar and, specifically, for learning spoken English grammar.
RULE 1 - Always Study and Review Phrases
RULE 2 - Never Study Grammar Rules
RULE 3 - Learn With Your Ears, Not Your Eyes
RULE 4 - Learn Deeply
RULE 5 - Use Point of View Stories
RULE 6 - Use Only Real English Materials
RULE 7 - Always Study and Review Phrases
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“The Effortless English system helped me to became a confident English speaker and this created for me a lot of opportunities.” - DILYANA